For times and prices please click on the name of the massage or the button to schedule a massage. Add a bit of well-deserved luxury to your session; include one or more of our Enhancements!
Deep tissue massage is designed for individuals wanting a more detailed treatment. It works on specific muscle groups to aid in joint mobility, relief of chronic aches and pains, and promote flexibility.
Tailored to your specific needs and preferences, this popular full-body massage improves circulation, increases ease of movement, and promotes relaxation. Long smooth strokes, performed with gentle to medium intensity, relax the body and mind.

This customized perfect pressure massage is designed for the sole purpose of stress relief and focuses on all of your main tension points: head, neck, shoulders, back, and feet. Magnesium, a key ingredient in Epsom salts, is added to help soften tissues and calm the nervous system.
This hydrating full-body massage uses warm organic oil in a series of long soothing strokes that calm the nervous system, improve circulation and rejuvenate the body and mind.

Spend some time together while benefiting from side-by-side massages. Couples massage is an excellent way to spend quality, relaxing time together. Not just for spouses, couples massage can also be enjoyed by best friends, family, or other loved ones. It's a great way to de-stress with your buddy, partner-in-crime, or partner-for-life.
Couples massage is priced as two massages, depending on specific service requested. A $10/person surcharge will be added to the price of the selected service. For ease of booking, please call the office to schedule.
For times and prices please click on the name of the massage or the button to schedule a massage. Add a bit of well-deserved luxury to your session; include one or more of our Enhancements!
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands-on technique used to ease restrictions or blockages contributing to pain and dysfunction in the body. It is deeply relaxing and is particularly helpful for headaches, neck tension, TMJ disorder, and situations where light touch is needed. CST combines easily with a massage.

Lomi Lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage using rhythmic, continuous flowing strokes. The flowing rhythm releases tension improves circulation and eases pain. Lomi Lomi creates an overall sense of well-being by working the muscles and joints gently yet deeply, nurturing the body and relaxing the mind.
Myofascial therapy involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue to relieve restrictions, ease pain and restore motion. Ideal for addressing chronic musculoskeletal issues. It can be combined with massage.
Pregnancy massage can help relieve some of the normal discomforts of pregnancy, alleviating muscular tension, joint pain, and edema (swelling). Massage also has the benefits of reducing stress and anxiety, boosting immune function, and facilitating sleep, all of which can impact both mother and child. Note: available in 2nd and 3rd trimesters only.
Reflexology is a gentle treatment that applies pressure to reflex points in the feet to relieve tension and restore balance in other parts of the body. This work promotes the body’s natural functions and create an all-over sense of relaxation.

Reiki is a gentle Japanese form of healing that bolsters the body's natural self-healing mechanisms, helping to establish optimum mental, emotional, and physical health. The immediate effects are often deep relaxation, reduced anxiety, and clarity of thought. Reiki combines well with a massage.
This deep massage enhances muscle recovery, targeting muscles that are sore from exercise, sports, or the tensions of daily life. Deep muscle work, combined with stretching, rocking, and circulation-enhancing strokes, moves the lactic acid out of the system and increases flexibility and range of motion.

Treat your feet to this hour-long indulgence! Start with a sugar scrub exfoliation, followed by warm moist towels and a thorough foot and ankle massage using a rich hydrating cream.
Trigger Point Therapy is used to relieve painful areas (“trigger points”) within the muscles. Trigger points may refer pain to other parts of the body and can be tender. This work is often integrated with Swedish and deep tissue massage to address chronic muscular pain.

Smooth heated basalt stones are used throughout a full body massage to help release areas of deep tension, and promote relaxation and healing.
For times and prices please click on the name of the massage or the button to schedule a massage. Add a bit of well-deserved luxury to your session; include one or more of our Enhancements!
Choose from a selection of essential oil blends that have been shown to have a powerful and positive effect on the body and mind. Essential oils are a wonderful way to enhance any treatment.

Hemp oil-infused salve is used to treat a specific area, reducing inflammation, providing pain relief, and reducing stress. Hemp oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant and has no narcotic effect.
Note: cannot be added to pregnancy massage.
A luxurious Foot Rejuvenation includes a moisturizing mask and relaxing massage. It is a soothing enhancement to any session.

A luxurious 15-minute experience involving gentle exfoliation, soothing cream, and reflexology. This service provides some well-deserved pampering for tired, aching feet. This service is an addition to your massage therapy time.
Myokinesio Therapy (MKT) combines traditional massage methods with effective, newly developed techniques. It focuses on restoring upper body balance and freeing restrictions such as tension and scar tissue that impact healthy movement and functioning of muscles in the shoulders, neck, and back area.

This full-body relaxation massage, performed with gentle to medium intensity, is done using a unique arnica and lemongrass oil blend that soothes and eases muscle tension. Arnica, also known as nature's anti-inflammatory, is well-known as a natural recovery aid for sore muscles, strains, bruising, and overexertion. Lemongrass helps relieve pain in muscles and joints while providing a calming effect.
Note: blend contains almond oil.

Our popular full-body massage, performed with gentle to medium intensity, is designed to improve circulation, increase ease of movement, and relax tight muscles in the body. Hemp oil added to a full body massage will enhance the relaxation effects for both body and mind. Hemp oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant and has no narcotic effect.
Note: This service is not available for pregnant clients.

Deep tissue massage is designed to work on specific muscle groups for relief of chronic aches and pains, to assist in joint mobility, and to promote flexibility. Adding hemp oil can increase relief for those dealing with pain, tension, and any kind of inflammation in the body. Hemp oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant and has no narcotic effect.
Note: This service is not available for pregnant clients.
A delightful blend of warm stone massage, a salt glow and a mineral infusion! These unique salt stones soften muscles, melt tension, and provide gentle exfoliation of the skin, resulting in an exquisite combination of warmth, salt and massage. The effect is simultaneously relaxing and revitalizing.

This targeted deep tissue massage uses a unique arnica and lemongrass oil blend that relieves muscle tension and works on specific muscle groups for the relief of chronic aches and pains. It also assists in joint mobility and flexibility. Arnica, also known as nature's anti-inflammatory, is well-known as a natural recovery aid for sore muscles, strains, bruising, and overexertion. Lemongrass helps relieve pain in muscles and joints while providing a calming effect.
Note: blend contains almond oil.
Your hands will be wrapped in gloves infused with jojoba oil and aloe vera, surrounded by warmth, and treated to an exquisite massage.
Warm stones are used to address specific areas of the body. Their warmth promotes deeper relaxation and increased circulation while helping unravel tension.
Peppermint Essential Oil has a warm-cool effect on the skin. It soothes muscles due to overexertion. Peppermint Essential Oil will alleviate tension and fatigue, increase circulation and boost energy and alertness. The oil promotes creativity, uplifts mood, and promotes self-confidence. Experience a soothing cream foot massage providing some well-deserved pampering for tired, aching feet. Experience this foot massage to relieve tension and provide a
relaxing addition to your massage.
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) can be used to address fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, bloating, fluid retention, and chronic pain reduction. MLD also has a powerful relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system. This is a skin movement treatment, not a traditional massage. The gentle, rhythmic, pumping, massage movements follow the direction of lymph flow and produce rapid results.
Sandalwood essential oil has many benefits. Its woody, soft scent induces relaxation and calmness and improves sleep quality. It’s deep aroma promotes positive thinking, clarity and aids concentration. The oil also improves learning, memory and focus. Experience this foot massage to relieve tension and provide a relaxing addition to your massage.
A Chocolate Mat by Masaki Matsushim. Chocolate has many properties that benefit and nourish your skin to give you soft and supple feet. Serotonin and dopamine present in chocolate works wonders to alleviate your mood and make you feel relaxed. A delicious chocolate foot massage that will warm the feet and bring a delightful massage to every area of your feet and lower legs.
Experience this foot massage to relieve tension and provide a relaxing addition to your massage.
Keyano Aromatics Chocolate Scrub
A luxurious 15-minute service that is Chocolate! Chocolate has many properties that benefit and nourish your skin to give you soft and supple feet. This is a wonderful foot exfoliation that includes a foot and lower leg massage that will bring a warm experience
to your feet and legs that you will be delighted. Serotonin and dopamine present in chocolate works wonders to alleviate your mood and make you feel relaxed. Experience this foot scrub and foot massage to relieve tension and provide a relaxing addition to
your massage. This 15-minute service is added to your massage therapy time.
Lypossage™ is a healthy, non-invasive, manual contouring treatment designed to break up cellulite and stimulate collagen and elastin. It works to improve muscle tone, lymphatic drainage, and circulation by helping break up adhesions under the skin that contribute to the appearance of cellulite. Lypossage™ uses a combination of firm strokes, deep kneading, skin rolling, percussive strokes, myofascial massage, and compression.
Lypossage™ is provided for three zones of the body. Choose the zone where you would like to receive Lypossage™. Multiple sessions are recommended per zone for best results.
Zone 1 – Hips, Thighs, Buttocks & Lower Abdomen
Zone 2 – Upper Abdomen, Back, Neck & Arms
Zone 3 – Face, Neck & Head
A relaxing foot and lower leg massage that will warm the muscles, increase circulation and ease tension and discomfort. This 30-minute service is therapeutic and it feels great.
This service can also be added to any 30, 45 or 60 minute massage session.
Peppermint Essential Oil has a warm-cool effect on the skin. It soothes muscles due to overexertion. Peppermint Essential Oil will alleviate tension and mental fatigue, increase circulation and boost energy and alertness. The oil promotes creativity, uplifts mood, and promotes self-confidence. A luxurious experience involving gentle exfoliation and soothing cream. This service provides some well-deserved pampering for tired, aching feet. This service is added to your massage therapy time.
Pumpkin spice essential oil has many benefits. The 3 ingredients add to your well-being and comfort. Clove relieves mental obstacles. Cinnamon invigorates and stimulates circulation. Nutmeg eases tension and worry. Experience this relaxing foot massage as an addition to your massage.